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Journalist, Inverness or Glasgow (Radio Scotland) - EXTEND (18685)

the BBC
Glasgow, United Kingdom
£27,300 - £32,481 GBP yearly

Package Description


Extend: EX2324 

Job Reference: 18685

Band: C

Salary: £27,300 - £32,481 depending on relevant skills, knowledge and experience. The expected salary range for this role reflects internal benchmarking and external market insights. 

Contract type: Permanent role - Full-time

Location: Office Base is Inverness or Glasgow


We’re happy to discuss flexible working. Please indicate your choice under the flexible working question in the application. There is no obligation to raise this at the application stage but if you wish to do so, you are welcome to. Flexible working will be part of the discussion at offer stage. 


  • Excellent career progression – the BBC offers great opportunities for employees to seek new challenges and work in different areas of the organisation. 

  • Unrivalled training and development opportunities – our in-house Academy hosts a wide range of internal and external courses and certification. 

  • Benefits - We offer a negotiable salary package, a flexible 35-hour working week for work-life balance and 25 days annual leave with the option to buy an extra 5 days, a defined pension scheme and discounted dental, health care and gym. You can find out more about working at the BBC by selecting this link to our candidate pack.   


If you need to discuss adjustments or access requirements for the interview process please contact the For any general queries, please contact:

Job Introduction


This role is advertised as part of our BBC Extend programme for disabled people. To apply for this role you should identify as deaf, disabled or neurodivergent and must meet either: the definition of disability in the Equality Act (2010), or the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) if applying in Northern Ireland. You’re broadly defined as disabled under both acts if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative or adverse effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. This definition includes both apparent and non-apparent conditions and impairments, and medical conditions such as Cancer, HIV or Multiple Sclerosis.   


We are committed to making the process of applying for this role as accessible as possible. If you need to discuss adjustments or access requirements for the application process, or have any questions about our Extend programme, please contact the BBC Extend team via the shared mailbox


The BBC are fully committed to providing workplace adjustments to help eliminate barriers in the workplace that disabled people face. To do this, we have our own dedicated BBC Access and Disability Service that provides assessments and support throughout employment with us. If you are successful in applying for this role and require workplace adjustments, we will work with you to get your adjustments in place.  


If you’d like more information on BBC Extend, please visit the BBC Extend webpage


Bheil uidh mhòr agad ann an naidheachdan? An còrdadh e riut a bhith ag aithris air na seirbheisean digiteach, Rèidio agus TBh? Tha BBC Naidheachdan a’tabhann naidheachdan Gàidhlig air loidhne, air na meadhanan sòisealta, air an rèidio agus air an telebhisean. Tha sinn a’craoladh seachd làtha san t-seachdain tro leithid phrògraman Aithris na Maidne & Aithris an Fheasgair air rèidio, is An Là air TBh. Tha sinn a’sireadh neach-obrach airson obair mar neach-naidheachd làn-ùine. Tha sinne airson cluinntinn bho dhaoine bhon a h-uile seòrsa àite is ceàrnaidh aig a bheil miann làidir a bhith ag obair ann an naidheachdan Gàidhlig.


Have a big interest in news? Do you enjoy reporting on digital, Radio and TV services? BBC News offers Gaelic news online, on social media, on the radio and on television. We are broadcasting seven days a week through programs such as Aithris na Madne & Aithris an Feasgair on radio, and An Là on TV. We are looking for an employee to work as a full-time journalist. We want to hear from people from all kinds of places and areas who have a strong desire to work in Gaelic news.

Main Responsibilities


Tha iomadach sgil aig an luchd-naidheachd againn agus tha an obair a’ gabhail a-steach sgilean rannsachaidh, sgilean aithris, sgilean craolaidh is sgilean teicneòlach. Tha sinn gu sònraichte a’ sireadh dhaoine a bhiodh comasach air rannsachadh is aithris a dhèanamh air an eadar-lìon, airson telebhisein agus rèidio. Bhiodh seo a’gabhail a-steach a bhith a’cruthachadh agus ag aithris beò air na seirbheisean againn gu lèir. Tha e cuideachd cudromach a bhith deònach diofar rudan fheuchainn san dreuchd agus a bhith ag obair mar phàirt de sgioba thàlantach.


Our journalists have many skills and their work includes research skills, reporting skills, broadcasting skills and technological skills. We are particularly looking for people who would be able to research and report on the internet, for television and radio. This would include creating and reporting live on all of our services. It is also important to be willing to try different things in the role and to work as part of a talented team.

Are you the right candidate?


  • Tha eòlas farsaing agad air naidheachdan aig ìre ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta.

  • Tha fìor dheagh chomasan Gàidhlig agad.

  • Tha thu misneachail gun deadh agad air aithrisean làitheil beò a chruthachadh agus innse air an aidhear.

  • Tha thu cruthachail is tha thu math air sgeulachdan a chuir ri chèile agus a’ lìbhrigeadh.

  • Tha thu math air a bhith ag obair mar phàirt de sgioba.

  • Tha thu deònach sgilean ùra ionnsachadh.

  • Tha ùidh agad anns na meadhanan sòisealta agus misneachail ann a bhith gan cleachdadh.

  • Tha tuigse agad air an luchd-amharc/luchd-èisteachd is mar a tha sin ag atharrachadh agus cò air a tha sinn ag amas le na diofar ùrlaran againn. 

  • Tha thu deònach a bhith ag obair gu sùbailte nas fhaide air an làtha neo air an deireadh sheachdain a-rèir feumalachdan na seirbheis.


  • You have extensive knowledge of local, national and international news.

  • You have very good Gaelic skills.

  • You are confident that you will be able to create live daily reports and tell the truth.

  • You are creative and good at putting together and delivering stories.

  • You are good at working as part of a team.

  • You are willing to learn new skills.

  • You are interested in social media and confident in using it.

  • You have an understanding of the viewers/audience and how that is changing and who we are targeting with our different platforms.

  • You are willing to work flexibly longer during the day or at the weekend according to the needs of the service.

About the BBC


The BBC is committed to redeploying employees seeking suitable alternative employment within the BBC for different reasons and they will be given priority consideration ahead of other applicants. Priority consideration means for those employees seeking redeployment their application will be considered alongside anyone else at risk of redundancy, prior to any individuals being considered who are not at risk. 


We don’t focus simply on what we do – we also care how we do it. Our values and the way we behave are important to us. Please make sure you’ve read about our values and behaviours here


Diversity matters at the BBC. We have a working environment where we value and respect every individual's unique contribution, enabling all of our employees to thrive and achieve their full potential. 


We want to attract the broadest range of talented people to be part of the BBC – whether that’s to contribute to our programming or our wide range of non-production roles. The more diverse our workforce, the better able we are to respond to and reflect our audiences in all their diversity. 


We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from individuals, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic background, religion and/or belief. We will consider flexible working requests for all roles, unless operational requirements prevent otherwise. 


To find out more about Diversity and Inclusion at the BBC, please click here